Remove your fax details from the database

Enter your fax number in international format below and it will be removed in 48 hours

Valid ✓ Invalid number X


Common questions and answers

  • How long does it take for the removal to take place?

    You should stop receiving any more marketing related faxes within 48 hours of the fax removal request

  • Why did I receive a fax message from you?

    Potentially another business that maintained your contact information used our self-serve fax broadcasting platform to reach you via fax message

  • Why do I still receive faxes?

    If you continue to receive faxes after registering your fax number, it could be for one of the following reasons:

    • The wrong number was registered.
    • The number was typed in wrong.
    • The registration was carried out too late or close to the next transmission.
    • There could be another number diverted to the fax machine in question.
    • You have forgotten to register the advertiser ID or the id was mistyped.
    Please contact us via email if you tried again and you still receive faxes.


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